Rabu, 22 Januari 2025

Al Quran Kareem

I have grateful for blessing from Allah SWT

Everyday my breathe is come ease 

Al Quran protected me 

My lord said . Lahaula walakuata illabillah hill’aliyyil azhiim

Means : There is no power and effort except with the power of Allah, the Most High and Most Great

Many Aspects of life Taught in Alqur'an 

its speaking gentle to the Servant of Allah 

ya Ibadii , ya Ibadii 

O My Servant , O My Servant 

La Tahzan Innallah Ma'ana 

used to i was dont know what this meaning 

i have away from Alqur'an 

but everyday Allah is always Protected me of harm to my soul

One Day direction of Hikmah Came to Me

Alqur'an Called me and speak for goodness 

Allah never judge me and give me chances for forgiveness

Allah is angry for evilness 

Allah said in Quran Evil is clear Enemy 

do not follow any Evil deeds 

Allah taught me to Speak 

from i was born till first time i learn Iqro 

O My beloved Servant 

who have in faith in Me and Messengers 

Beloved Rasulullah Muhammad SAW 

Shows the Umat of Imaan The Straight Path 

its easy path and rights for you to live who believer

and the words of La Tahzan Innallah Ma'ana said

Do Not Sad for who not believer

Allah is with you

Al Quran Kareem 

Allah said come near with me My Servant 

I most Hearing and Knowing what My Servant did

Do True ibadah everyday 

Allah is Most Loving, Most Merciful

Allah created Human in weak than Angels 

Be humble by submitted to Allah 

Remember Syaitan is always try to test you 

when the Quran was read to them 

Remember for What Allah Promises to Deen 

Allah will Granted and Exchange with Most great 

Allah is owner of Heaven and Earth

O My Servant , O My Servant 

Remember of Person who has Good Deen 

who has returned to Allah 

They have brings True love to your life 

They have brings Roles of Imaan 

you met them in dream with Light and Bright Ihram Clothes 

Looking Dashing and Handsome

even My grandfather Hasanudin said He become Imam in Masjidil Haram

before he was imam in Masjid Miftahul Huda

Rest in Peace for My uncle Ibnu Hasan 

Rest in Peace for My Grandfathers Hasanudin and Abdul Razak 

I have so Lucky Met Them in my life 

before they have returned to you Ya Allah 

everyday My Grandfather Abdul Razak going to Masjid 

He don't remember time when stay in Masjid 

even He can read Pocket Quran when its 70 years old

while me need to use Glasses to read or its blur

They might ever be wronged cause human is Imperfection 

but they have never do it on purpose to bring people down

and bring people to Shalat, Al Quran and Dzikir

and Do True Ibadah

I was jealous to My uncle Ibnu Hasan ya Allah 

He returned to you saw the Angel came no worry

and with last words say your Name 

Laa ilaaha illallah


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