Senin, 27 Januari 2025

Melukis Nama

Mengunjungi kota 

terkadang mencoba

menulis apa saja 

ada di kertas, ada di gembok 

menulis Nama, kadang apa saja yang ingin dituliskan

hanya sekedar kenangan 

atau memang tradisi 

terkadang melukis nama pada pasir pantai 

terbawa ombak hilang seketika 

berusaha melukis nama yang abadi

terkadang melukis di batu 

menjadi tanda nama terakhir 

akankah kemudian tanah menjadi rata dan terkikis hujan?

seberapa lama untuk melukis nama yang abadi bertahan?

mengapa nama begitu penting?

adakah Manusia dikenali tanpa nama?

mengapa berlomba hanya untuk mengukir nama 

manusia yang dikenal dan tidak dikenali 

Jumat, 24 Januari 2025

Sepatu menuju Surga

Ada hal yang tidak pernah diduga 

Manusia yang banyak bicara tentang orang lain 

Dahulu ada masa 

dimana di akhir tahun 

berbagi kado tahun baru 

Sepatu cantik kupilih 

kado random yang akan di bagikan di acara kantor tahunan 

ada seorang Ibu 

entah mengapa banyak yang membicarakanya 

sampai aku yang baru dan tak tahu 

awalnya saat kutahu sepatu itu diterimanya 

beberapa meledek dan mengejek 

aku tak paham aku anak baru tapi saat itu aku malu 

Ada hal yang tidak pernah kuduga setelahnya 

Ibu itu meninggal di kemudian hari 

hari jumat, senin kudapati kabarnya 

dan saat beliau meninggal 

ku baru tahu beliau Muallaf 

ku juga teringat kakeku 

saat itu kuberikan hadiah pada temanku 

berulang tahun setelah tahun baru 

tepat di waktu kakeku dikabarkan meninggal dunia 

seperti waktu yang tiba tiba membawa ingatanku kembali 

mengingatkan hal hal yang tak pernah kuduga sebelumnya 

perkataan dan pandangan manusia 

tidak lah sama dengan pandangan Allah SWT 

aku berharap sepatu terakhir 

sebagai kado yang mengantarkanya ke surgamu ya Allah 

Sepatu menuju Surgamu

aku berharap saat itu kado untuk temanku sebagai pesan 

bahwa kehadirat kakeku bertemu denganmu adalah kado terindah 

Rabu, 22 Januari 2025

Al Quran Kareem

I have grateful for blessing from Allah SWT

Everyday my breathe is come ease 

Al Quran protected me 

My lord said . Lahaula walakuata illabillah hill’aliyyil azhiim

Means : There is no power and effort except with the power of Allah, the Most High and Most Great

Many Aspects of life Taught in Alqur'an 

its speaking gentle to the Servant of Allah 

ya Ibadii , ya Ibadii 

O My Servant , O My Servant 

La Tahzan Innallah Ma'ana 

used to i was dont know what this meaning 

i have away from Alqur'an 

but everyday Allah is always Protected me of harm to my soul

One Day direction of Hikmah Came to Me

Alqur'an Called me and speak for goodness 

Allah never judge me and give me chances for forgiveness

Allah is angry for evilness 

Allah said in Quran Evil is clear Enemy 

do not follow any Evil deeds 

Allah taught me to Speak 

from i was born till first time i learn Iqro 

O My beloved Servant 

who have in faith in Me and Messengers 

Beloved Rasulullah Muhammad SAW 

Shows the Umat of Imaan The Straight Path 

its easy path and rights for you to live who believer

and the words of La Tahzan Innallah Ma'ana said

Do Not Sad for who not believer

Allah is with you

Al Quran Kareem 

Allah said come near with me My Servant 

I most Hearing and Knowing what My Servant did

Do True ibadah everyday 

Allah is Most Loving, Most Merciful

Allah created Human in weak than Angels 

Be humble by submitted to Allah 

Remember Syaitan is always try to test you 

when the Quran was read to them 

Remember for What Allah Promises to Deen 

Allah will Granted and Exchange with Most great 

Allah is owner of Heaven and Earth

O My Servant , O My Servant 

Remember of Person who has Good Deen 

who has returned to Allah 

They have brings True love to your life 

They have brings Roles of Imaan 

you met them in dream with Light and Bright Ihram Clothes 

Looking Dashing and Handsome

even My grandfather Hasanudin said He become Imam in Masjidil Haram

before he was imam in Masjid Miftahul Huda

Rest in Peace for My uncle Ibnu Hasan 

Rest in Peace for My Grandfathers Hasanudin and Abdul Razak 

I have so Lucky Met Them in my life 

before they have returned to you Ya Allah 

everyday My Grandfather Abdul Razak going to Masjid 

He don't remember time when stay in Masjid 

even He can read Pocket Quran when its 70 years old

while me need to use Glasses to read or its blur

They might ever be wronged cause human is Imperfection 

but they have never do it on purpose to bring people down

and bring people to Shalat, Al Quran and Dzikir

and Do True Ibadah

I was jealous to My uncle Ibnu Hasan ya Allah 

He returned to you saw the Angel came no worry

and with last words say your Name 

Laa ilaaha illallah


Selasa, 21 Januari 2025

Paus Biru

Paus Biru berenang di lautan dalam 
Lautan yang luas yang menampung ukuranya 
tempatnya tinggal di samudera 
ukuranya yang besar tidak mebuatnya menyerang hewan disekitarnya 
tidak perlu taring yang hanya digunakan untuk melukai 
bulu bulu halus caranya mencari makanan
sesekali muncul di permukaan 
berkabar pada langit 
halo langit bagi aku sedikit oksigenmu 
untuku bernafas dan tetap hidup di samudera 
sendiri atau berkelompok 
tidak mengurangi ukuranya 
berenang tenang dikedalaman 
sering kali berkomunikasi ber mil-mil 
bagaimana laut yang membawa transmisi nya 
dan menjangkau ikan paus di benua lain 
apa kabar ? bagaimana kondisi disana?
mungkin saja mereka berkabar seperti itu 
manual digitalization transmission
bedanya tidak perlu satelit untuk menghubungkan 
walkie talkie ala paus 
roger, keadaan di sini aman 
mengepakan dan mengibaskan ekornya 
pada lautan yang jernih


Hujan di bulan Januari

Hujan deras membasuh Bumi 

tetesanya memantul

awan yang bergerak kelabu disertai guntur 

dahulu kupikir hujan adalah bentuk bumi yang sedang sedih 

airmata yang tak terlihat terbasuh oleh hujan 

mendung dan kelabu yang membuat kaula muda menyendiri 

namun kini berbeda 

Kurasa hujan menjadi limpahan rahmat tuhanku Allah SWT

setiap tetes hujan seperti doa doa yang diturunkan oleh tuhanku Allah SWT

memberikan kehidupan bagi bumi 

mengalirkan air yang mengalir deras pada resapan tanah tanah mu yang mengering 

sejuk anginmu semilir saat hujan 

apa bertambahnya umur adalah cara menikmati hujan bentuk kegembiraan?

angin yang mengabarkan dengan riangnya 

bergerak gerak riang diterpa semilir yang mengalun 

selepas hujan yang kini menjadi syahdu 

menghibur dan menemani 

ada sebagian yang tidak suka hujan 

jalanan sepi dan beberapa berlindung hujan 

ada sebagian juga yang tidak suka terik 

jalanan sepi dan beberapa berlindung dari terik

Hujan di bulan Januari 

yang hampir setiap hari bertamu 

senang akhirnya bertemu denganmu 

memahami engkau adalah bagian dari rahmatnya

Senin, 20 Januari 2025

Rumi's Quote

One day One Quote move into my heart
never know who Rumi is 
some people called him Lover
history based on Tabi 
One quote become its start of finding 
O Traveler souls if you are in search of that
dont look outside, look inside yourself and seek that
Traveler is thing of Journey of lands 
souls who travel the lands 
to finding the questions 
sometimes we might confuse 
for Journey in life 
life in within this self 
what this self try to find ?
why it need to traveler to find something matter 
isn it tired to be traveler all the times?
will it worth to finding 
what we are searcing for
withing in Self 
center of its soul
why its soul important to be finding 
until one day One move into my heart 
its answered some questions 
why its matter to look inside my self 
the One who always waiting this self in all condition 
whether it has storm, rain even spring
The One who leading the straight path 
remove the confusing 
iam grateful to found the One 
The one of My lord
in my heart said : Iam Allah, Iam your lord 
to save guard hereafter

Minggu, 19 Januari 2025


Today was Hasan 

Raining for Rahmatul Al'Amiin

Going to Class 

searching for KalamuAllah

Allah is Hasan , My Lord 

many praise to Allah SWT

Blessed from Allah is Hasan 

Angels was gathering 

searching for Adventurer 

who like for Advance for Hasan student 

everyday is Hasan 

Every Ilmi is Hasan 

Every wishes is Hasan 

Every prayers is Hasan 

Pray for Hasan world 

Pray for Hasan Family

Pray for Hasan Kids and Grand kids

Pray for Hasan Rizki 

Pray for Hasan deeds 

May Allah SWT blessed Hasan for All of things

Lirih Kehidupan

Makhluk Hidup 
identik dengan bernafas 
Hidup dan Nafas 
adalah satu kesatuan di Dunia ini 
Makhluk dikatakan Mati bila tidak BerNafas 
itu lah yang terlihat 
itu lah yang dapat dilihat 
Manusia lebih mudah mempercayai apa yang terlihat 
Apakah kita Manusia benar benar Melihat?
Apakah kita Manusia benar benar Hidup?
Makhluk Hidup bagaimana kita bertumbuh 
Berkembang dari tiada menjadi ada 
Berkembang dari Air menjadi Daging 
Apakah kita Manusia benar benar Bertumbuh?
Apakah kita Manusia benar Benar Pemakan daging Manusia?
Makhluk Hidup 
Manusia lebih mudah mengagumi 
hewan-hewan Manis dan menggemaskan 
menteladani Hewan-hewan Buas sebagai bentuk kekuatan, kekuasaan dan kemampuan
Apakah Hewan benar benar mengaggumi Manusia?
Makhluk Hidup 
identik dengan Makanan
Manusia lebih mudah Kenyang ketika tidak Lapar 
Apakah kita Manusia benar benar merasakan Tidak Kenyang?
Tumbuhan yang ranum dan Masak Tangkainya, Bijinya dan buahnya lebih di kagumi 
menteladani Tumbuh tumbuhan sebagai bentuk Bermanfaat, Keuntungan, dan Kemakmuran 
Apakah tumbuhan benar benar mengaggumi Manusia?
Manusia memakan Hewan dan tumbuhan untuk bertahan Hidup
Bukankah ada hewan yang mematikan ?
Bukankah ada tumbuhan yang mematikan ?
Adakah Manusia yang Mematikan?
Mengapa Manusia yang Mati sebelum dia Mati ?
Mengapa Manusia berupaya Mati sebelum dia Mati?
Ada Puisi berkata Matilah berkali kali sampai kamu Hidup
Siapa Penulis itu Hidupkah Akal dan hati nya?
Kehidupan bagai Lingkaran 
Lingkaran Kehidupan 
dari ada menjadi ada dan kemudian Tiada 
dari benda Mati, menjadi bernafas dan kemudian benda Mati 


InshaAllah ya Rabb

I Have trapped in your light 

The light is in your Name 

your name brought Happiness 

your Names are Medicine 

for My Heart its Fulfill 

All your Names are in Al Qur'an 

repeat and repeat

Ya Rahman

Ya Raheem 

Ya latiif 

Ya Aziiz 

Ya Aliim

Ya Kariim 

Ya Hakiim

The Science try to know Personally test with MBTI

Our Prophet Muhammad SAW has Perfect Personality in your names 

Allah ya Allah 

your light in your names lighting Our Muhammad SAW 

Allah ya Allah 



Allahu Akbar 

Allah ya Allah 

your Lights is remove All Darkness




Allah ya Allah 

you are the Rights

Inshallah ya Rabb

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2025


O, Allah My Lord 

you promised for Muslimin and Muslimah

Jannah is enternally place

there is places when we have real life 

all accessories in Dunya you will multiply it

O, Allah My Lord 

in Jannah you promised we will stay healthy and have no fatigue

O, Allah My Lord 

what truly Nikmat and Peace is when we have Near you 

Prayers, Praise you and hear your Firman 

O, Allah My lord 

will i also hear your voice in Jannah ?

O, Allah My lord

Can we Ibadah like Angels prayers to you ?

in your Firman Angels is always prayer to you 

can we weak creature compare your Angels 

can we have similar Nikmat like in Dunya ?

O, Allah My lord 

In Dunya you test us for prayer

InshaAllah to keep Istiqomah to be in your way 

in Jannah you promised us for have no trials 

I wish i still have true similar Nikmat 

in places nearest with you

when we can see your face ya Allah

Glorify to My Lord 


Jumat, 17 Januari 2025


I only Imagine world is No war

I Only Fantasy world is in peace over the world

when will it happened? i thought about it

Have it Chance for Peace?

why its so difficult to achieve solidarity in just Humanity?

Its Only Fantasy i think

a world without destructive Politics

its Only Viking and Mongol era

those Fantasy make it just Legendary we known these centuries

is this real gonna happened?

or its just my hallucination of good world

when people is smile and no harming

when people just working

when people just have fun

when people just praying 

without any destructive politics agenda 

am i crazy here think about it lonely?

wishful world is full of peace everywhere 

wishful  world have no genocide everywhere 

wishful no war everywhere for entire world?

just simple wish to live in harmony

its seems rush Fantasy

well its fantasy might be just real?

just like those lego land themed park 

Senin, 13 Januari 2025

Journey of Mankind

Young Boy and young Girl


someday will become man

someday will become woman

not because they have already wealth

not because they have already knowledge

not beause they have already prayers

or Ambition of Dunya 

They both soul dont know nothing

they both soul become when they dont know

dont know what happened

dont know nothing Imposible 

they both just live in theirs life

without know anything

to see what they dont see before 

to hear what they dont hear before

they both dont know nothing about fate

or things and news about the future

they both only living 

living souls

not take away what others have 

Sabtu, 11 Januari 2025

Indahnya Kemenangan dalam Islam

Dengan menyebut nama ALLAH SWT yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang

dengan Hidayah ilmu dan Hikmah Ilmunya 

Menyadarkan Kita Ummat Muhammad SAW 

bersama barisan para syuhada dan Khalifah di Bumi ALLAH  SWT 

untuk menegakan keadilan dan kebenaran 

berpikir dan bertindak secara Benar dengan Hikmahnya

Untuk Umat akhir Zaman 

untuk selalu bersama meniti kehidupan

sama sama menerima takdir dengan Ikhlasnya 

Sama sama Belajar menuju ke Jalanya

Sama sama beribadah mengingatnya 

dengan Rahmat ALLAH yang maha luas 

senantiasa melindungi 

senantiasa membimbing 

senantiasa bersyukur 

untuk selalu menyayangi hamba ALLAH dan Mahkluk nya 

dengan satu tujuan mencapai nikmat dari ridhonya 

dan mencapai hakikat Ke-Esa anya 

bersama sama kembali kepadanya 

ketempat jiwa Nafas ini ke pemiliknya berada 

Allah is The Most Great

Who will love you ?

when you have NOTHING

beautiful face 


Great Titles

High Chairs 

Money and Gold

Nation and Land 

Properties and Assets

All of this Dunya

Beautiful Childrens 

Sucessfull Childrens 

Who will love you sincerely 

when you are coming to me?

who will company you ? 

when you are living in your home?

Who are you?

Who are you from? 

Who made you? 

Who met you ? 

Who gave all those pleasures 

Who true owned all those pleasures

what do you have ? tell me

what are you really have in this Dunya ?



Jumat, 10 Januari 2025

Servant of IMAN

Lamp of Islam

Light of the heart

5 Pillars in Islam

With ALLAH SWT its Speaking

in Spiritual Calmness

Nutrients of its Thirsty Soul

IMAN of Muslimin and Muslimah

Guding to life of Beggar

Asking and Asking from its most Provider

Conversation of Scholar

Asking and Asking from its most Teacher

Who your Rabb?

Who your Rabb?

Do you feel Happy with your Ibadah?

Do you feel Happy with me?

Asking and Asking 

Who your Beloved?

our Most Beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW


I Be Alive IN 

With ALLAH'S Soul In my Soul

with our Prophets Muhammad SAW in my mind

Moonlight bright offering his hand

ya Umatti, ya Umatti

Come with me?

Ya Umatti, Ya Umatti

Where you live IN ?

Yaa Umatti ya Umatti

Be Living!

Be Live! 

Iam with you with ALLAH SWT Permition

Rabu, 08 Januari 2025


Leave from past

Live in Present

Wisdom for Future

Nothing is free

and Everything is Nothing

Cherish for Blessing

True Happiness is through your Actions

True Love is Through your Heart

Everything Nothing last Forever

Everything has Chances 

Everything is from ONE 

ONE who you believe in your heart is Truth

ONE who your heart owned The Truth

ONE who your heart Feared

Every of US is Believed

Truth is Truth 

Every of US is Know 

Good is Good 

Real is Real

No Distraction

and Every of US is need living in True Living 

Meaning of True Living 

Remember of Living 

who Give lifes for Living 

who Give Chances for Living 

who Give EveryONE Things to Survive

Who Give EveryONE Test to Suffer and Cure 

to Remember for Know to Think 

Time is Really Short

Be  A Living 

Living is Eternal 

Live in your Soul 

Alive in your Soul 

Through Experiences and journey 

to EveryOne not just ONE

ONE Important things in your life 

what your heart gave up to 

We Are All will DEAD in age limit

do we get bonus for long LIVING? 

Living with Care 

Care to yourself 

Care what makes you really Happy 

Care WHO Inside YOU

Care why we Happy, Why we sad Why we hurted our Self 

to Remember ALL the TIMES 

we Will Returened to Our Soul Belong

Selasa, 07 Januari 2025


its not a game 

i believe its true

Beautiful Palace

with Gardens 

Lantern rivers

Beautiful Flowers

Shade Trees to rest

Delicious Meals

Wine can drinks

Beautiful Clothes 

its what i believe in motion 

manifesting beyond earth miniatures

wide landscape 

its The One extraordinary door open

big door with light in it 

Alhamdulillahirabil Al'Amiin

Senin, 06 Januari 2025

Prophet of Muhammad SAW

Our Prophet of Muhammad SAW
Best of Mankind
The Best Leader of Muslim
Full of Love, Care and Blessing 
The True Love
Brightest than Full Moon
to the whom of True Believers
to the whom Belive in ALLAH SWT
will love ALLAH Prophets
Our Muslimin and Muslimah
Beloved of ALLAH SWT
Prophets Muhammad SAW
The Right guidance of Mankind
Showed to Believers
Messenger of Al Quran 
Orders to ALL OF Mankind to Obey
Orders to ALL OF Mankind to See
Orders to ALL OF Mankind to Believe
and the Messenger Prophets Muhammad SAW
Messenger direct to the truth
The only truth of ALL OF things
from under the see to above beyond
Our Prophets Muhammad SAW is Truthful
ALLAH SWT only Speak Truth 
Our Muslimin and Muslimah
Intelegent is a test to seek the truth and clear the confusing 
searching from the true source of its owner 
ALL OF Cleverness will returned to The ONE
The Owner of ALL OF Knowledge
The Professor to proof any rights
rejected who denial
Only to ALLAH SWT will returned 

Sabtu, 04 Januari 2025









HAVE ALL OF GOOD Characteristics



HAVE ALL OF Universal Studios







O Muslimin

Believe in Allah's love 

how Muslimin recognize it?

see Our Prophet Muhammad SAW 

see Our Prophet Musa RA

see Our Prophet Ayyub RA

our prophet is Allah's Love in form of

Human and Inspiration

O Muslimin 

how recognize the wealth in All Duniya

see Our Prophet Sulaeman RA

how recognize the stronghold of Muslim

see our Prophet Zulkarnaen 

O Muslimin 

Allah's Love is eternally 

Jannah is eternally 

O Muslimin

believe in Akhir 

believe your Dunya is not eternal

we learn to live from trials 

All blessed from Allah SWT

never Ask your blood or money for eating 

O Muslimin 

we know we free to be Muslim 

Syahadah is your Yaqeen 

your believe 

Your Money is to help other human

Your Salah is to help to purify your mistakes

Your Al Quran to help you knowledge 

woman and man can study it

Your Qurban is to help fed other human 

your jihad is to help you from 

form of harm you

Your Hajj is to help Muslimin meet 

eachother from around globe 

Independence of Muslim Countries and


O Muslimin 

Allah has All plan for Muslimin 

beliver knows 

Allah SWT Plan is the best Planner 

Will and Will be

Jumat, 03 Januari 2025


graduate from high school
how many student known logistic subject? 
its in business 
every business needs logistician 
supply chances
how many the see has ships on it
in logistician i can learn many things
sustainable logistic is now trend 
it reduce waste
reverse waste to be benefit 
business can going well 
everything will in right circle 
have manifest many goods in list 
logistics part of supply chances 
business not running without logistic
no road 
no transportation
no supply 
how can demand when no supply 
how can supply when no demand 
in business some take risk put dangerous goods
if have not safety it burn the ship if its explode 
business and logistics need health and safety management 
how to handle dangerous goods 
many catagories of dangerous goods
more dangerous and more risk 
do checking manifest
to avoid fines
which better manifesting error 
or when manifest is correct ?
general goods is easy to approval 
no risk handling and safety to carried
no business wants to danger and destroy it ships except if it plan to think need to take risk
how you can handle risk management
how percent to predict it risk 
percentage to makesure its not explode when its higher risk 
do checking weather 
do checking temperature
do checking map 
which better high risk or low risk ?
which goods will load into manifest 
when general goods is more priorities
its important in logistician roles

Kamis, 02 Januari 2025

Ya Musafir

Oh My friend 
wherever you are
walk in path of this road
i have been journey
i have been taking wrong path 
its bring me to the gap
i have been astray
Oh My friend 
I remind you the path i have walked before is not the right path 
how do i know its wrong ?
i know when this path bring me to destroy 
inside me 
when it torn away people near me 
and torn my self slowly
i have been reminded 
i found right path my friend
path when the peace come
path when the calmness come
path when we have no fear of end of this sahara journey 
path led me to the creator 
who create me and you 
not create enemy 
oh my friend its on your hand to believe
i have one those who reminded 
i also hope for being reminder everyday
sometimes this journey 
we still have took many decision 
from we awake to we awake 
Oh My friend 
i know we have been thirsty 
me either i have been almost run out of water 
searching for rain in fatamorgana
until the right path i took 
bring me to the land 
green land who there's pouring rain
and i can drink from the purifying water 
Oh My friend 
this earth is big when you think it is
but this earth small when you think it is 
you can think your self is big huge or collosal
but fact we are just small as microba 
Oh my friend 
some people have no opportunity to fly 
with planes
but i have did
i saw all things start diseappear from above 
until i see ground 
down to the earth
we depart in same earth 
we live in same earth 
All those is been plan to WHO WILL
i have been introduced with the creator
praise to the creator 
who create me and you 
and WHO create ALL things we see 
create ALL things we feel
create ALL things we touch
create ALL things we hear 
i will introuduce you the creator my friend
this is my director ALLAH SWT
ALLAH create and direct ALL of US 
to Back to ALLAH SWT
we get this Cast from ALLAH
for every roles we have in this journey
ALLAH SWT Scenarios is the best 
ALLAH SWT direct for it WILLING
Our Life in ALLAH 'S WILL 
death and life ALLAH WILL 
who willing to Know ALLAH SWT
ALLAH SWT gave chance to everyone who want to returned to right Path ALLAH SWT led to US 
wherever you are 
no one of us free of sin 
Human we have Sin 
even you are assasin 
we have to stop it
end it
if you want to realize 
if you want to repent 
if you want to Ask forgiveness
if you want to felt regretful
for All sin we have commited in behind
if you want to find the right path i have been acknowledge with ALLAH SWT blessing
sure you will be know 
different of road will you take after 
Iam Human like All of You
I have mistake from mistake i revise and have advise you to safety 
i have been known for the risk 
and warn you for the risk
and I always hope to my god , ALLAH SWT
always led me to Final destination 
place with ALLAH we gathering 
Been promise and its the truth 
because i know false is wrong 
truth is always right 
and its easy road , the straight road 
ALLAH' S Words in Al Quran
ALLAH SWT make its easy to passed for ALL of You
what do you want in this sahara my friend? 
big houses? 
many expensive cars? 
A chair ? 
A Title ?
jewel ? 
comfort ?
peace ? 
Heal ? 
what do you expect for happiness living in sahara my friend ?
now if we are in comfort house 
or working in big company 
generates lot of money 
do you think you can do anyting with your money?
your status ?
you think it is okay ?
think again my friend 
who believe only in One God 
WILL stay in Direction
we know Only To ALLAH SWT we returned 
ALL promises will be figure it out
after We returned and meet ALLAH SWT

Alhamdulillahirabil Al'Amiin

Rabu, 01 Januari 2025

You are My Life


My Soul is your Soul

My Ruh is your Ruh

like a calm wind that i can not see

but i can feel it

i can touch it

like your capable to touch my soul 

like your capable to reach my soul

like your capable to look into my soul

every breath 

exhale and inhale

calm wind heal my soul

only you that can stay it life ya Allah

with only your permission 

not others willing 

only your willing 

like you handle the plants

like you handle the wind 

like you handle the see 

from your soul i was alive

to source that my soul belong is

to gather.