Sabtu, 08 Februari 2025

The Scholar of life

The Scholar said
Ilmu is more precious than wealth
life saver guard to floating in ocean
there is condition 
why we have received 
something in suprise 
it can be as a gift box of life
it can be as direction from the most scholar
to keep breathing spirit in spiritual journey
Ilmu said to keep in track 
these theories has been designed for 
operational handling for life 
look at ilmu has been trough experience for things that be trials to found 
the right designs and procedures 
life might be journey and challanges
with ilmu its your key peformance indicator
to save of the circumtances 
in spiritual or even real life
ilmu is best investment for all time
it never reduce your profit
read, write and think it 
why this life have a chances 
for All to reminds 
optimism to life than suffer 
why would we expect to died when option to long live?
theories itself it can developing formulas
everyday is learning for more benefit
and the forcasting weather 
can help to keep seeing the right routing
its navigate and light your way 


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