Jumat, 28 Februari 2025

Al Zalzalah

Who are you? 
who you follow? 
why there pride in your brain? 
is that brain really bring you life? 
can you see really different ?
what good you saying to someone
what bad you saying to someone 
treat you for your good willing
or treat you for their bad willing
who are you? 
what you doing decide you 
have you see yourself with brain? 
or within your torn heart 
why you compromise with toxic
why you like to bring torn to your heart
your brain know atom 
how small it is? 
how can make explosion it is?
what give you benefit in your life
for every elements try to finding
who are you?
please use your brain
to do something kind 
even its smallest act you can do

Minggu, 23 Februari 2025

Faith of Insan

O Allah SWT
I have blessed the day 
when you gave me soul protection
when you gave me your light
when you gave me new life 
when you gave me guardians
before i was only be your secret admirer 
through my nights journey
i still have faith in you ya Allah
and through to my days journey
I would be your public admirer
So wonderful to have you in my life
i have blessed for chances 
to keep continue of my uncertainities life 
within Faith of Insan in me 
lead me to be awareness
and conciousness in my reality of life
O Allah SWT 
everything comes from you 
always good fate for me
if I know my future will be good ending
I asked for give more strenght of Faith and believe in my self within you Allah
to face the challanges 
I know Allah SWT will never hurted me 
and always want my happiness 
i have blessed for trials and experiences
and i believe you will gave me rewards
by even you showed me 
its only very little Iblis and the slaves 
who only hide in Dark and emptiness
with very little mindset and heart
who willing and happy
when someone is damage 
while in your side ya Allah
its only you Most Great and Powerful 
For the Allah SWT Servant
with very wide mindset and heart 
who brave to chasing and living in the light
and filled with Lovingness
who willing and happy
when someone is cured and blessed
O Allah SWT 
Thank you so much
you created me to be a Muslim woman
you created me to be a Champion 
you created me to be a Knight woman
you created me to be a book to be learned
you created me to follow only your order
I keep believe good Qadr and Qadir 
in every decision in my step and fate 
past, present and future
i will accept ya Allah 
for any possibility comes from you
for any emotions comes from you
for any term and conditions from you
for any visions comes from you
for any Qadr and Qadir
i believe will lead me into Firdaus 
and i believe Faith of Insan
have more good and blessed life ever
In Dunya and Hereafter
to gather with you
to gather with Rasullullah 
to gather with Faith of Insan ancesstors
to gather with my Faith Family
O Allah SWT 
you're one and only Lord of Faith of Insan
I Swear on behalf your Great name 
and your Beloved Prophet RasulAllah
from your Noble syahadat 
Asyhadu an laa iLaha Ilallahu
wa Asyhaduanna muhammadan Rasullullah
O Allah SWT
please acceptance, guaranteed, and Treasure My Swear to My Lord
to be always be your Servant All of My Life
Servant of Budiman 
Servant of Faith

Ini Hidupku, Apa Urusan Hidupku dengan Hidupmu?

wahai Saudaraku,
ku bertanya padamu
Deadline mana yang penting buatmu?
laporan kerjamu apa shalat Mu? 
kamu jawab laporan mu lebih penting
aku tanya kembali saudaraku
bagaimana jika kamu meninggal semenit kemudian? 
kamu jawab yaudah tinggal meninggal saja
wahai saudaraku, 
bagus kamu tidak takut kematian atas seizin tuhanku akupun demikian
tapi apa kamu sudah yakin keselamatanmu?
jika shalat saja engkau sengaja kesampingkan
apakah kamu sudah takut Pada Tuhanmu?
Siapa tuhanmu saudaraku?
wahai saudaraku,
engkau aku beri pernyataan
sudah habis pertanyaan untukmu
aku katakan padamu 
engkau memesan perempuan sewaan 
untuk memenuhi syahwatmu 
untukmu yang pernah menikah 
kamu jawab tidak pernah 
dan engkau balikan pernyataanku
aku menuduhmu, menjudge mu 
aku tak pantas menuduhmu 
kamu pun menasihatiku
tak pantas aku sholat tapi menuduh orang lain, kamu berkata itu dosa
wahai saudaraku, 
aku bersyukur jika memang pernyataan
yang ku lempar tidak kamu lakukan
aku bersyukur engkau mengerti dosa 
kamu pun menasihatiku agar aku terhindar dari dosa
lantas beritahu caramu untuk menasihatimu
untuk shalat dan hidupmu yang ku saksikan
tak ada aturan dan menggampangkan 
hidup yang berharga, 
sementara engkau katakan
ini Urusan Hidupku, tidak ada Urusanya dengan Hidupmu
jujur, memang tak ada urusanya sama sekali hidupku dengan hidupmu selain darah yang mengalir ini sebagai kakakmu,
selain aku kakakmu yang terganggu engkau merokok lebih dari sebungkus sehari 
merokok di kamar ber AC dan tidak dibersihkan
selain aku kakakmu yang terganggu engkau seringnya bergadang, minum kopi dan minuman manis
coba pikir bila aku mengkhawatirkan ginjal dan paru mu yang menyedihkan itu dan masa depanmu,
aku kakakmu yang tersadar ibadah dan belajar dari pengalamanya dahulu 
dan melihatmu yang masih tak tahu arah hidup dan tujuan hidupmu
aku kakakmu yang kesal jika engkau pulang berbau tidak enak, jatuh dari motor, pakaian kotor dan tertidur karena habis minum 
kutahu darimana kamu minum
bau minuman dari pakaian mu
bau minuman yang tak sedap itu !
tidak penting hidupmu untuk aku mengurusi Hidupmu saudaraku
kamu berkata kita sudah dewasa
sementara kamu berbuat semena mena pada dirimu sendiri
tak pedulimu mengurusi Hidupmu dan
caramu mengurusi hidupmu 
tingkahmu seperti iblis yang hanya sengaja 
memercikan api dari kelakuanmu
aku berkata bereskan kamarmu 
kamu tidak menggubris
aku berkata jangan merokok dikamar, bau!
kamu tidak menggubris dan semakin merokok
tanganmu yang tidak terampil 
berserakan berantakan seperti hidupmu yang berantakan tidak teratur
hidupmu yang hanya untuk tampil diluar 
banyak mengobrol membuatmu 
sering bicara melantur 
kejujuran sudah tidak ada dikamusmu
berlaga bos tapi budak dalam ego mu sendiri
berlaga bos tapi kacung dari orang lain yang tertawa saat kamu merusak hidupmu 
hanya membuatku keheranan
aku saja belajar bicara darimu
yang mencoba membalikan kata kataku
memang dosa ditanggung masing - masing
aku mengerti yang kamu lakukan merusak dirimu, jiwamu dan kesehatan tubuhmu
sebagai kakak yang tidak harusnya peduli urusan hidupmu dan muak melihat keadaanmu yang berantakan
cobalah kamu mengerti betapa baiknya 
jika engkau berubah menata hidupmu
peduli dirimu, untuk kepentinganmu, 
bukan kepentinganku !
itu urusan hidupmu kan
bukan aku sepantasnya mataku melihatmu sebagai adik daripada orang lain

Pured Soul

We believed pured is white without stain
we believe is a true essence of compound
yes yes its like every baby born
they have pured soul
they not complaining of true affection
they happier around kindness 
even they dont know colors
even they dont know languages
even they just met each other 
we believed is its innocence of human
Ruh is Ruh 
Soul is Soul
Soul is organ of human Ruh
like heart is organ of human body
pured soul is healthy Ruh 
when you prefer for loving not hate 
when you prefer to be inspire not jealousy
when you prefer to valued yourself not other validation
when you prefer to act of kindness not hurting other
when you prefer to be real to your innerself not copied who not you 
when you prefer seeing positive in you and other not only on cover
when you prefer to be happy of simple things not satisfaction
when you prefer to speak gentle not speak sharp
when you prefer to be well manner not damage 
when you prefer god and goodness 
some human has no jar of soul protection from noir 
some human trying thing that sick their soul
some human trying to keep the soul is life
some human trying to wash stain to its soul
some human trying to softness their soul
some human trying to give light to their soul
some human trying to pouring rain 
in its soul 
some human trying to utilize its space to soul
some human trying to well breathe its soul
if human can hear their soul talking 
if soul can talking to human 
please hear me to hear gut self in you
please see me to see essence self in you
please believe me to believe self in you
please stay healthy
please be alive
please keep its light
please aware of me
please dont sell me for nothing valuable
please to understand me 
i only want you to be you in your sake
due iam part of you 
when you feel truly accepted
A home within self in you

Good Spirit

used to i wondering 
i asked about what spirit is? 
its in every human being 
within in soul and human vibes
i found answer 
Spirit isn't animals that hurted you
or turn you to be not you
its part of light that guaiding you 
for every your perspective 
to decision you step in 
Good Spirit is a Lantern
Electric source of soul in lantern glass
light reflection of yourself 
dont trust if says its animal 
animal is ego part of human 
human is know how to be tame their ego
keep trust your good Spirit
its lighting your way and help other
lighting their way as its the Direction
The vibes within good spirit
is vibration sonar 
to detection of straight path
will be light in light 
you will not living in darkness
no need dark for light 
to keep shining so bright 
good spirit is energy 
to open the door of eyes and heart 
eyes to see correct way of think right 
heart to lead you see correct way 
of right essence to become human
true human not empty body 
true human with soul lighting 
true human with everything filled 
true human with warming by its light 
Allah Spirit is what soul it belonging to source of light 
Servant of Allah 
Lover of Allah 
to be the light only in Allah path 

Sabtu, 08 Februari 2025

The Scholar of life

The Scholar said
Ilmu is more precious than wealth
life saver guard to floating in ocean
there is condition 
why we have received 
something in suprise 
it can be as a gift box of life
it can be as direction from the most scholar
to keep breathing spirit in spiritual journey
Ilmu said to keep in track 
these theories has been designed for 
operational handling for life 
look at ilmu has been trough experience for things that be trials to found 
the right designs and procedures 
life might be journey and challanges
with ilmu its your key peformance indicator
to save of the circumtances 
in spiritual or even real life
ilmu is best investment for all time
it never reduce your profit
read, write and think it 
why this life have a chances 
for All to reminds 
optimism to life than suffer 
why would we expect to died when option to long live?
theories itself it can developing formulas
everyday is learning for more benefit
and the forcasting weather 
can help to keep seeing the right routing
its navigate and light your way