Minggu, 08 November 2015

Love story

Fairy tale telling the story
the next episode of my story ones
But It depend on the favorite part
Such like the cappuccino and espresso ,
it could be bitter and sweet
Then my part is when the story begin,
from the uncertain meeting
When fate bring for being the circle
Standing in corner
While always catch the gesture
focus on reflection and
Looking from back
Never let everybody knows,
Body telling yes
Doubting, struggling, wondering, falling
Over and over again
Sometimes minds telling no
Feels like the spring gonna come
And suddenly change into summer
And missing part of rain
Then the snow winter coming without alert
and falling the leaves soon like in autumn,
But be pretend from no,
Which will always back to the spring
When the flowers growing beauty
When the river flow slowly
And the butterfly flying and stop in stomach
looking for the sun shining in the cloudy day,
Wishing that day never end,
Imagine to stuck in forest
When there's no body there
until wake up from wildest dream
And praying that the ropes allied be one
From the long journey of waiting
When the desire of having
Skip in fact of the times
The destiny will answer
Its never be for someone else
When it definitely for you

6 komentar:

  1. menyentuh sekali bu blogger bener bgt:'''''')))

  2. Thanks for visit , pls check my another written , and visit often :) :D

  3. Gak ngerti artinya ndah, tapi kerasa. W kirain lirik, abis susunan kata2nya enak dibaca. Lanjutkan indah!! Semangat!!! ☺

    1. Sahrul : mkasiiiih yaa udah mampiir, mampir jugaa dong ke tulisan yg lain , click beranda, pilih deeh yg mau di baca,semangaat jugaaa ruuull😊🙌

  4. Ndahh.. kaya puisi yaa aihhh nyentuh bangett artinyaaa😍😍😍

    1. Dita : iya dit puisi, hehehe makasihh yaaa udah mampir cantik, btw wishing best for your love life dear :* :)
