Rabu, 09 Agustus 2023

kuis siapa benar? siapa salah?

jika ada sebuah kuis berhadiah
jika benar hadiahnya triliunan 
dapat mengubah dirimu dalam semalam,
namun jika salah pun kamu pun bisa dapat voucher makan gratis direstoran ayam cepat saji seumur hidup
nothing to lose bukan?

pertanyaanya sederhana :

mana yang lebih dahulu datang ke bumi?
telur atau ayam?

jika anda berpikir telur lebih dahulu
karena logikanya, ayam tak mungkin ada jika telur tidak menetas 

jika anda berpikir ayam lebih dahulu
karena logikanya, telur tak mungkin ada jika tidak ada induk ayam

ada lagi jika anda berpikir sangat logis
ayam dan telur tidak datang terlebih dahulu, tapi molekul molekul sel sel mahluk hidup duluan lah yang membentuk keduanya

ada lagi jika anda berpikir tidak peduli
karena logikanya, untuk apa di perdebatkan?
bukankah telur dan ayam sama?
sama sama jadi hidangan menu tiap hari

untuk itu siapakah pemenangnya?
hadiah triliunan itu ? 
semua tanpak benar dengan jawabanya

caranya mudah 
yang duluan itu egg o mu 

kamu protes:  mana ada jawaban egg o mu

dan hadiah triliunan itu tak ada yang benar

terus bagaimana dengan jawaban yang salah ? 
jika semua merasa benar maka yang lain tampaklah salah  

semua dapat voucher makan gratis seumur hidup

nikmatilah, jangan patah semangat
bisa coba kuis selanjutnya 
siapa tahu beruntung?

Jiwa Jiwa Manusia yang gundah

jiwa jiwa manusia?
mengapa engkau merana
engkau terlihat tidak baik baik saja
ada apa gerangan?

apa engkau merasakan sakit?
mengapa begitu?
kau punya rumah tuk berteduh
tapi kenapa kau menginginkan rumah lainya?

jiwa jiwa manusia
jika engkau sakit 
mengapa energimu kau habiskan
tuk menyakiti orang lain ?
dikala energi itu bisa digunakan tuk menyembuhkan

ketika engkau merasa gundah
melihat kebahagiaan jiwa lainya
ketahuilah mereka sama gundah
hidupnya , hidupmu berliku liku
bukankah dunia ini fatamorgana?

namun ketika engkau tertawa
melihat kegundahan lainya 
mengapa begitu?
bahagia diatas derita orang lain
apa masih ada jiwa disana?
atau jiwamu telah mati?
meski ragamu hidup

hidup akan berlaku sama 
bahagia dan sedih
sehat dan sakit
datang dan pergi

waktu berdetak sama
pukul 1-12 dan begitu seterusnya
namun waktu berhenti berbeda
masihkan gundah itu ada kala itu?
oh jiwa shinta yang berarti tenang
kemanakah gerangan?

Senin, 24 Juli 2023

My Victory

on Friday i was shared videos to you from instagram to whatsapp
friday to sunday you haven't checked yet my text, 
before on wednesday you told me you will spend time with friends on weekend

today on Monday afternoon 
you asked me how was my day?
i said my day been good and i asked how yours?
you told me your day not interesting
but had fun with friends on weekend

if you know my day still interesting when
text you or when you start text me first again 
even if you aren't think the same
in time you dont text me also my day still interesting 

my day at my job is interesting 
its fun like play strategic and planning game
sometimes i have team player for working in team to solved cases

and my day with my hobby is interesting 
its fun to create a legacy in form of painting, and clay figure and im so excited 
to try another new arts, as human 
i would like to left my legacy
so people can remember me when they saw 

you make me realize that i always try to understand my family and friends also, but 
can't force them if they dont feel that way from me

i have many homework to socialize even its about hang out with peoples 

and since without you, iam learning to find myself , iam starting seeing bigger picture, 
previously in 2 years my world is only about you and me

if you know i missed our past moments
when you trying help me for being positive self concious, and when i can share many things with you

i think for helping you also, to keep you still have positive concious when you feel down, pesimist or sad till you feel better and optimist again.

you told me before to remember 10 things makes me grateful when iam sad and 10 things focus in my surrounding when iam worry and told me that i can do thing i want,
iam trying to practice that, i hope you also

if you know in my eyes , you have some luck and blessed in life, i hope those are luck still with you and you can see that also and even you can see that, you might share to me if you feel down i would try to help with cheer you up, or companion to support or try to give you hug, advise or solution 

even its only in my wish your energy and mood is rising when i tried to help, likewise when you are with friends and family i saw you seems so happy, had blast and forget your mood swing
if i cant make you forget your moody
at least i have tried my best and i also will tried for myself 

hej hej me, take care ya

Kamis, 06 Juli 2023

I Should not Overthink too much about you 🤗

Iam asking you 

Did you notice me on you instagram 

you haven't replied 

iam confess my feeling 

for all things about you is matter 

iam still get emotional

you told me "dont overthink too much 🤗"

how can you said that

i do care and mind everything you did to me

I Should not overthink too much about you

about why you slow reapond

about you not replied your mom and my 


but replied other girls 

i should not overthink too much about you

about you are not initiate to text me first 

about how your feeling for me

i should not overthink too much about you

about we arent together like before

about you might like other girl now

or about you moved away on me 

Selasa, 27 Juni 2023

could we back as we first met

some years ago

when i was looking for love in my life

you came and offer me love 

love i wanted 

love i never felt before 

treated me like queen

could we back like we first met ?

as you wanted me 

as you missed me

as time is ours 

could we back like we first met ?

as we are found each other than lose it

love that you offered me

could it stay and not faded

could we back like we first met?

even we are bored , can we keep this love ?

but now your heart is leaving

i wish you back 

how long will i be 

wishing you like we first met?

lost is not easy to deal with

heart and mind keep echoing your name

even life is temporary

could i wish eternity love ?

which never fade of times 

my Allah tells me

call upon me

Senin, 12 Juni 2023


my heart is itching

when i think you with someone else

when will you understand ?

my jealousy is to protect of mine 

not my insecurity

dont you remember when we first met?

when we both feels same way

iam mad , like thunder

because i really do cares

i dont want you smile a lot with other girls 

i just want you show that only to me

im happy see you happy 

even when iam not include there 

but another part of me is craking

and your name like tornado is spinning 

around my mind

you know i told you my feelings

and no respond is a valid respond

you dont chasing me 

you dont try to reach me again

like you is okay for losing me 

feels its only me living in heartbreak

in our memories

its TNT exploid me


Its Orange season

its smells so sweet and fresh

its sign of spring breeze will comes 

grandmother will pick oranges from trees

and give to the child neighbor

this season many oranges harvested

its big, sweet and bit tangy 

we like to make orange juice 

we pressed it into mechine 

and flow the orange water to the big jar 

we stock for summer 

we will put ice on it

grandmother and mom like to make syrup 

they added some mounts rock sugar in jar 

it adds sweetness from the oranges 

we can put some water before drink it

its wipes out tangy and some sour from it

some kids also will make tanghulu oranges

they peel the orange and coat with sugar 

it cracked sounds is satisfying 

and juice will running out from mouth

dare me you would love it

every new year we will dress red 

it sign posperous 

and in table many oranges will serve 

in temple, road and some trees

it align with wishing for posperous 

i can eat as much as i want 

thats my favorite season for whole year 

will run to temple and seek 

while my mom and grandma pray

if you know how yummy it is orange for me

i would never exchange to anything than 


*this poettry story not based on true story*

Jumat, 09 Juni 2023

Romeo and Juliet (Remake)

living in the fairy tale

shakespare romantic story

Romeo and Juliet

in my story remake it will be dramatic

this story begin

Romeo always sent his poetry to Juliet

Juliet favorite poetry when its written title 

" dearest to My Love "

Romeo was so Gentle

company Juliet when she sad 

Romeo also give her roses with every letter

Romeo smile bright when meet her

oneday Juliet was confused by every girls in village

they received same Romeo Genuine smile

Juliet thinks Romeo is friendly to them

Juliet seeking to Romeo room

she knows Romeo will be angry 

Romeo doesnt like to be questioned

he always asked Juliet just to trust him

every her question about girls makes 

romeo uncomfortable

but Juliet not stop there

Juliet found thousands poetry

send to many girls in village

Romeo not send letters written titles my love to them 

but Romeo send them letters with roses 

things Romeo did same things to her 

Juliet cant belive it, she was shocked

she questioned herself?

what make her special in Romeo heart 

when he treats girl in village same way?

while when Romeo knows juliet seek into

his room, Romeo suddenly Change,

he isn't Romeo that juliet knows

he is so sudden treats her like other girls in village

but more cold and distance himself to her

till the day Romeo came and told 

that he found a poison 

time after Juliet visit his room

Juliet not understand

why Romeo accused her like that?

Did Romeo knows she never have intention 

to hurt him?

how could Juliet possible bring poison to him?

Romeo looks sad and take poison by himself 

and drink it

Juliet saying to romeo do not drink 

but Romeo has dead by his poison

now left Juliet with no soul

she wasn't drink poison

but she dead inside

the end

*just remake story*

morral of stories " everything too much is like poison " 

Rabu, 07 Juni 2023

Yet to remember

we called we have same passion 

enthusiasm and excitement

we never missed a day 

without call each others

morning, to afternoon , to the night 

we are often sleep side each other 

even when i saw you inside the box

i felt your existences

you are  always there with me 

we are talking, laughing and crying over movie 

we are hugging , cuddling and kissing

i love the way you are did it

when you said thinking about me, 

when you are need me by your side

when you missed me 

when you loved me 

when its time we are in perfectly relationship

we are dealing with argue

we are dealing with conflict

different mind and opinion 

i still jealous of any girls

i don't want you having by anyone else but me 

all that perfect relationship begin to faded 

time is decreasing , you spent most of time without me 

you texted me less and replied me longer

you can spend time with your friends for hours but only 1 to 1,5 hours call me

i deal with your new schedule of your university 

but your love faded to me

i don't know and i don't understand 

begin less say love nor missed me 

something that used to we say that mostly everyday, 

love for each day, i thought lesser saying love 

will make the love it self special but its not 

saying love everyday is better showing and gratitude of love 

i start felt lonely, even when talking with you, your soul like is not with me

you are not felt excited, or enthusiast 

you start in moody, feeling tired 

i tried to give you my energy 

positive vibes as you always do for me before 

i tried but seems you don't need my energy 

more you felt down more you away from me 

how supposed i do for you? 

i know we are thousand miles away 

but can i do something to put smile in your face again? 

that smile that i adore 

and i love i have lost it 

it changes and you confirmed it everyone could be change

but what happened? it supposed to be something happened?

you start saying iam hurting you and accuse you with someone new 

and be mad saying iam talking bad about your friend relationship

but why you offended of her? and stand by her? 

and telling me you asked her to your best friend birthday when you know im jealousy

i sensed you think of her differently

you blame me being mad all the time 

but iam mad of time you change

mad of girl you close with

you losing me so easy when i gave up to hold you , you said want to break up in friendly way

you are crying in moment 

but after you seems okay without me 

while i felt knive stab me 

so hurt , sometimes there is stone in my heart 

i tried to deal , im looking for activities 

but in moment im alone thats still there 

this feeling for love and missing you

why you change ? its on my mind everytime

even when you bored , we can do something else to make it fun again

when you need time for your activities , you can say you need time but will reach me after because you missed me

when you with your friends, you can still check for look after me a while because you think of me

but when you lost love for me 

how it possible to make you love me again? 

but did i have value to be loved ? 

i have begged for your time 

but it shouldn't for your love 

obsession will hurt me once it just one side 

they say time will healed 

we might healed but not memories

all these lovely memories haunted me 

this might me fallen over again 

my dearest and sweet and soft and cheerful we are

this memories are cursed and fortune in same time 

i have blessed to have this memories before it turn to hate and just hurt 

feeling to be fullest loved 

and fullest cared by someone before it ends

love i have never imagined 

my sorrow only to meet you in person

there is rope tied and hope is align to be unity as we are together 

but now you weren't mine 

and iam not yours 

still that rope tied on you ? 

or you set it free?

why dont you contact me? 

still there is hope on me 

have you think its totally end?

or is it just temporary end ?

and waiting for new beginning

new chapter , new story and memories 

between you and me 

is there any comeback?

Senin, 29 Mei 2023


ini galaksiku, andromeda

jika kamu lebih melihat kedalamnya kamu akan temukan 9 planet besar di dalamnya mengelilingi 1 cahaya besar , cahaya itu matahari, dan 9 planet yang mengelilingi nya itu ada merkurius, venus, bumi, mars, saturnus, uranus, Neptunus,Jupiter, dan pluto, dan ya aku tinggal di planet yang bernama bumi, 

jika kamu lebih melihat kedalamnya lagi maka kamu akan temukan sekitar 7 Milyar  manusia yang tinggal disana dan ada milyaran flaura dan fauna juga disana, keren ga si planetku? planet yang paling berwarna menurut ku, kamu bisa menemukan banyak warna 

mungkin kamu bisa temukan satu warna favoritmu disini ? 

oke? apa kamu sudah terkesan? jika belum, lihat satu satu ya, ada banyak bunga dan pepohonan, harum dan ada yang manis,  kamu bisa coba kalo kamu suka hehe

hey apa kamu dengar itu? suara ya suara apa kamu mengerti salah satunya? mereka berbicara dengan banyak basaha! aku sendiri hanya mengerti 1, sedang belajar 2 , dan tau sedikit-sedikit 2 lainya, duh kalo kamu tau semuanya, ajari aku hehe

apa makanan favorit mu? duh aku tidak bisa sebutkan, terlalu banyak makanan enak di bumi, kalo kamu foodie ya 

oke kalau kamu liat lebih dekat lagi , 

iya lebih dekat lagi, 

jangan jauh jauh, lebih dekat lagi,

ada aku, hehe 

oke selamat pagi 

Pohon Jati

Aku kayu pohon jati, mereka menyebutku kaku karena batangku yang menjulang lurus, sebenarnya aku tidak sekaku itu, aku bisa bercanda, aku suka tersenyum, dahulu saat aku tersesat aku bertemu dengan pohon besar, aku kira dia akan menghancurkanku, tapi dia membantuku menemukan jalan ku, pohon itu berkata, "kembalilah pada dirimu" , aku masih belum mengerti sepenuhnya, tapi aku amat bersyukur dia melepaskanku dan memberiku kesempatan, dahulu aku berpikir alangkah matahari bunga yang bermain bersama terlihat bersinar karena mereka tertawa bahagia bersama, dan aku di pojokan memandang mereka dengan perasaan ku ingin seperti mereka bukan menginginkan hidup mereka sepenuhnya atau iri dengan hidup mereka, aku hanya mengiginkan pertemanan yang tulus, saling support, sedih dan bahagia bersama, sesimpel itu inginku, dan aku bertanya, apakah akan ada teman yang seperti itu untuku? ternyata hal itu membuatku terperosok jauh kedalam hutan, bahkan aku dalam amarahku berbisik bahwa aku akan menumbuhkan duri dan racun di bawah pohonku yang rindang, tidak aku pohon jati tidak memiliki duri, aku cukup rindang untuk berteduh tapi aku tidak memiliki buah yang bisa di petik, mungkin kayuku akan amat berguna nantinya, ya setelah aku tiada mereka bisa menggunakan batang kayu ku yang awet dan tidak mudah hancur dimakan rayap, setidaknya kata kata pohon itu selalu terngiang-ngiang di benaku, saat itu aku benar benar takut, sendiri, gelap di tengah hutan, aku pikir aku takan ada harapan, meski nyatanya banyak harapan yang membentang, hanya saja aku belum melihat kedalam diriku, ya setidaknya sekarang aku si pohon jati masih berusaha mencari jati dirinya, terdengar klise? ya karena memang yang terjadi, tidak hanya satu orang, banyak orang yang merasakanya juga sehingga terdengar klise bagi sebagian yang telah melewati nya atau bagi sebagian yang masih belum mengerti maknanya ,