Senin, 17 April 2017

The Man Who become True Love

In Early Morning,
He always woke up and never forget to pray and ask for thanks before he starting his daily life
he pray in masjid, sometimes he doing Adzan
he never missing his five times prayer.
Everyday Morning,
his beloved old Vespa which always taking him to the school
he is not as student but he is a teacher
the Islamic Religious's Teacher
yes, he is not young anymore
he has wife with five childrens and his first grand child
his life not always perfect
as teacher his salary is not a job that generates lots of money
he need struggling for it.
but his life full of blessing
he has wonderful wife that could cooked delicious meals
very kind and generous
most important loves him until the rest of her life
and definitely he always do so,
he raised his childrens
he gave the best for them
altough he only a teacher
he also has wide society
everybody knows him as the upright person
he helped peoples who need learn to read qur'an
sometimes he has side job as speaker every jumuah
and Tour guide for Peoples who going to Hajj
not only that,
he also remembered as the best grand father ever!
his smile that more bright than sun
which made his grand child laughing and happy,
with his beloved old vespa
put her in front of driver
he took her to the his school
to the park
to the market
bought her toys and her favorite snacks
he raised his grand child until she's 4 years old
before she moved with her parents when she start to school
and just visit him when holiday coming,
now she already growing up
but she still remember some memories that remind her to him
all of loves that shower to her
he never angry just little bit choosey for good things
his favorites foods , the way he ate with the hot rice and make it like a ball
with his hand
then the sound of his old vespa that took him to school
and recently her grand mom told her
that he is proud to having her as his grand child,
she just know it after
he was passed away when she was in six grades
but he still live for her forever,
she knows he still reminder her when she's being naught and she has been learned from mistakes 
and want optimistic good change
she's truly spirit 
from him she learned that loves is never died and good things is will always stay
grandpa you the only one the man who always become my true love
Peace always for you in heaven my beloved grandpa
Allah is always with you and the righteous peoples. <3 <3 <3