Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016

3 words

3 words
That only I hold now
In every second in my heart
Every pray that I wish
I keep it in my deep down heart
Scream of it load many times
In my quite
In My silent
My brain sometimes like stuck
Only works for think about it
And my lips
Never stop smiling
Connected with my brain
I never know this words will be so hard to say again
I let my attention reflect it
How much I have feelings
How much those 3 words that I wanna say
That was increased all time
Now here
In my romance poetry
I let pull it out
What are words always inside me
That always haunted me
Day and night
Sun and rain
Between my sadness and happiness
That was i really do !
" I loved you "

Senin, 06 Juni 2016

Dancing princess

Around of the leaves
A princess dancing alone
Above the sun and the sky as audience
Wearing the red dress
And beautiful hair
Following the song of the sing from heart
Dancing and dancing
Right and left
Then rotate to show the dress open
She's like won't stop
She's feel alive when dancing
She's loving to take her breath when she's moving
She's keep on dancing
The princess still on shining
With her smile
Her happiness
When she's loving
And decide to keep going