Minggu, 10 Januari 2016

20 !

Its 20 !
Everybody said to me 
for being mature
Be grown up
Just left the childish behind
Something that i thought
Its my beginning
The start of my dreams
My first step
Being the part of the world people
Hey! No time to crawl
Too slow for walk
Just run and hold the sky
Feel the wind blow my hair
Feel my breath beating fast
And my eyes keep on straight
Its 20 !
Time to make a change
Let my idea spread up
Its 20 !
The future calling
To makes me believe
That my dreams will be comes true
Its 20 !
Less crying
Just do it
Its 20 !
Less complaining
Just trought it
Keeping fight on i believe in

Selasa, 05 Januari 2016


Menyadari bahwa beton itu keras
Namun tak sekeras baja
Tetap mudah dihancurkan
Hingga sisa puing puing,
Sekali ketok
Dengan hantaman palu besar
Membuat retakanya membesar
Jika kepala bagai beton
Dan lidah bagai palu
Layaknya berusaha kuat
Menyusun balok betonya
Beranggap pada benteng
Yang tak terkalahkan
Pasir pasir hitam
Serta debu debu  kapur
yang membentuknya
Dan terkadang hancur dengan palunya sendiri